Directed by Tyler Perry. Starring Kimberly Elise, Janet Jackson, Loretta Devine, Thandie Newton, Anika Noni Rose, Kerry Washington, Tessa Thompson, Whoopi Goldberg, Macy Grace, and Phylicia Rashad!
Based on the play by Ntozake Shange "For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf."
You have to go into this knowing that it is a series of monoloqgues performed by different characters each with their own storylines to exemplify their prolific poems.
Tyler Perry did well in connecting the character story lines to have all the women know each other. That was not the case in the play version. And I can't comment enough on how the acting just touched my soul. Firstly, Phylicia Rashad is the female version of Morgan Freeman. She is God on film. Don't be mad. and Loretta Devine needs to by my life coach because she had the films best poem and damn if she didn't mean it!
On that note. The film didn't do much else. I guess it was supposed to evoke emotions about being a colored girl in this society, but all those problems can be seen from other women of colors or even white girls. And what was the message? That black men suck, and black women suffer? What was supposed to inspire me? As a colored girl in the modern world none of those story lines would make me consider suicide, well maybe Kimberly Elise's character. (see the film to know what I'm referring too) And for those that did cry when watching this, I'm at a lost again. Sure there were plenty of sad things going on, aka every scene. But nothing that shocked or was disturbing to me. In all, I found the film to be really dated, hence it being written in the 1970's, and Perry didn't do well to make it modern.
Kerry Washington is a fine actress but did not shine through all that talent. She barely had a chance though so I'll give her that. I have seen Anika Noni Rose and Physiclia on stage for "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" and they both do well on screen. Whoopi played the hell out her part! And Thandie surprised me, although I"m not sure why. She was great as well.
Also has anyone started a petition to get Janet Jackson to stop acting? *looks around*
6/10 is the best I can do. And it got that much for having Phylicia and Loretta.