
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"You Love This Game" Mickey Rourke

If you are a facebook friend or follow me on twitter you have probably heard me say "You Love This Game." Well it's my own personal shoutout to Mickey Rourke. I would do grotesgue and imaginative things to be in his good graces. I can't really explain why...but I'll try.

I think a large part of it has to be with my obsession with the 80's and their epic movies. Add in the fact that he's one of the better actors in the world (right up there with Robert Downy Jr. and so on) and you got me drooling at the mouth. And even though he now looks like a halfway melted scary monster doll I still give him a gazzillion points for once upon a time looking like an Angels sexy pool boy. I don't know what that means!

Ok so I first saw Micky Rourke looking like a cracked out mess when he was getting all that buzz for The Wrestler in 2008. I didn't understand why everyeone was so obsessed with him and all these actors were hoping for a comeback because they looked up to him. So naturally, once I get excited about something I must know everything about it, I netflixed ALL his movies. I was the monster that he looks like! I made my cuzzo, who has no interest in films unless it's Love & Basketball, watch 9 1/2 weeks with me and she loved it! (p.s. the quote is from that movie, SOMEBODY TELL ME WHICH SCENE AND YOU WIN TWO INTERNET HUGS!)

Ok so I watched 9 1/2 weeks, The pope of Greenwich Village, Body Heat, Wild Orchid, Diner, Rumble Fish, even that sucky ass Another 9 1/2 weeks (sucktacular), etc.. and after three weeks in movie heaven I emerged a new and better woman dammit! If you haven't seen any of the following you really should. I am a Mickey Rourke activist if you will.

Oh Mickey you're so fine! ( I had to say it)

PB & J. S his face is all fucked up now because of his boxing career and epic fail at plastic surgery :(

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tasha's take on the Takers

Takers starring Matt Dillon, Jay Hernandez, Idris Elba, T.I, Chris Brown, Michael Ealy, Hayden Christensen, and Paul Walker is an action packed heist film.

Some of my movie pet peeves are 3D and musicians in movies. So Takers already gets 3 points for not being 3 dimensional, and even the use of music artists didn't make me want to bang my head on the wall in anger. Don't watch the film expecting to be blown away by any means, unless all it takes is a slow motion scene of sexy men to make your mind explode. (Guilty)

After the movie I tweeted the following:

Wait we gotta talk about how everyone was in this damn movie! Shit I think I saw myself smh

I feel as though the rest of the cast was meant to ensure a credible film by having great supporting actors. I mean every scene I was more shocked that very relevant actors were taking such small roles but that made it all more effective for me. Marianna Jean-Baptsite playing a crackhead sister, Steve Harris playing LT, and Glen Turman as Chief. It made me happy. Even Zoe Saldana role was minimal and it made me respect her career more.

I was honestly shocked that I enjoyed the film as much as I did. Admittedly when I first saw the trailer I wanted to see the film for the eye candy, not so much the plot. I didn't have high hopes for it at all, and perhaps because I expected close to nothing it didn't take much to excite me. Chris Brown won me over with his stunts because he really brought it. I finally got to see Idris in his natural tongue which, yes please, I want more of. Paul Walker did the same thing he always does, but I'm not complaining and T.I..hmmm he had a lot of speaking parts. Can't say I'm a supporter of his acting.

Overall I think what I liked the most is that this was a mostly black cast and yet not a stereotypical film. In fact it was very realistic. It was like Oceans 11, Rocknrolla, The Italian job (all movies I approve of) and reality hooked up and gave birth to the Takers. Nicely done and I hope to see more from literally everyone in this cast.

I guess I'll start grading films for the fun of it. This movie gets a B for Banging scene of Idris in his underwear! Yesssss!!!!

UPDATE: Takers beat out The Last Exorcism for the weekend number one spot! Exciting :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

80's Cinema

I live for 80's movies! Seriously, it doesn't get any better then an 80's flick!

They weren't all about 3D nonsense, and having the top billing Alist filled crap movie without paying attention to the story line! Or here's my favorite part about 80's movies, they were extremely diversed and not the shit remake of an otherwise decent film.

I mean Steven Spielberg can do no wrong, unless he really wanted to!

Sure the brat pack was big, but they deserved it! Before Lindsay Lohan, the token redhead was Molly Ringwald! Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink alone would give her a free pass to flash her cooter all around town. Honestly I am not doing my 80's Cinema post justice. I'll just try again later. Too much way too soon.

But even though I am obsessed with 80's movies, I still think I am granted at least this.

They ruled with classics such as...
The Color Purple, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Ferris Bueller's Day off, Fatal Attraction, Nightmare on Elm Street, Do the Right Thing, Airplane! Die Hard, The Princess Bride, ScarFace, Who Framed Roger Rabbit...

Body Heat gets an honorable mentioned because I lowkey am in love with Micky Rourke (he gets his own post soon!)


My first post on my latest blog! Exciting :)

I want this blog to be reflective on my personality and the things that I like, hence the title. As I mess around with the concept more I hope to find myself in my writing and become more clear on what it is I want to do with this blog. For now, it's just a fun exercise tool for me and anyone who wants to be a apart of it! Feel free to contact me with questions/ comments/ concerns. I'll be here...

More about moi?

Ok so I'm not as interesting as I would love for you all to think. I spend my good days watching films, and my bad ones watching even more. Seriously a good day for me is going to the local theather by myself and watching some random movie, then sneaking into other ones for the rest of the day. I'm really too old to  be doing things like that but I can't lie, treating myself to what I call a "triple feature" is like a present to myself. I have even made my mother commit to these illegal activities! As well as laughed at friends who were too scared to do it. I'm. a. bully.

I'm also obsessed with pop culture so that makes me an asshole already. I don't care. At least I know I'm one. Other then not talking to me while I watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith for the 11th time, I'm really fun to hang out with! Oh, and I recently moved to LA, and by recently I mean a year ago, so fist pumps for me.

Ok, really I'm just babbaling because I don't know what my first post should be on. I think you know enough for now but if you don't GOOD! I don't need anymore stalkers :)