
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"You Love This Game" Mickey Rourke

If you are a facebook friend or follow me on twitter you have probably heard me say "You Love This Game." Well it's my own personal shoutout to Mickey Rourke. I would do grotesgue and imaginative things to be in his good graces. I can't really explain why...but I'll try.

I think a large part of it has to be with my obsession with the 80's and their epic movies. Add in the fact that he's one of the better actors in the world (right up there with Robert Downy Jr. and so on) and you got me drooling at the mouth. And even though he now looks like a halfway melted scary monster doll I still give him a gazzillion points for once upon a time looking like an Angels sexy pool boy. I don't know what that means!

Ok so I first saw Micky Rourke looking like a cracked out mess when he was getting all that buzz for The Wrestler in 2008. I didn't understand why everyeone was so obsessed with him and all these actors were hoping for a comeback because they looked up to him. So naturally, once I get excited about something I must know everything about it, I netflixed ALL his movies. I was the monster that he looks like! I made my cuzzo, who has no interest in films unless it's Love & Basketball, watch 9 1/2 weeks with me and she loved it! (p.s. the quote is from that movie, SOMEBODY TELL ME WHICH SCENE AND YOU WIN TWO INTERNET HUGS!)

Ok so I watched 9 1/2 weeks, The pope of Greenwich Village, Body Heat, Wild Orchid, Diner, Rumble Fish, even that sucky ass Another 9 1/2 weeks (sucktacular), etc.. and after three weeks in movie heaven I emerged a new and better woman dammit! If you haven't seen any of the following you really should. I am a Mickey Rourke activist if you will.

Oh Mickey you're so fine! ( I had to say it)

PB & J. S his face is all fucked up now because of his boxing career and epic fail at plastic surgery :(

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