Directed by Steve Antin. Starring Cher, Christina Aquilera, Kristen Bell, Eric Dane, Cam Gigandet, Julianna Hough, Alan Cumming, Peter Gallagher, and Stanley Tucci :)
When I first saw the trailer for Burlesque I immediately thought FLOP FLOP FLOP, showgirls 2.0, weeeeakkkkk! But I actually enjoyed the film mostly because I'm a sucker for dancing and singing and now BURLESQUE itself it kinda cool. I'm one of those people that see a film like this and go "I can do that, I can sooo do that! Why am I not doing that???!"
Now talk all the shit you want about Christina but we all know she can sing. Yes she sometimes does the most and it's not always necessary to sound like a bear coming out of hibernation, but when done right at the end of the day she still shits on your favorite singer. Can she act? The first 20 minutes of the film I was over it. As you know one of my movie pet peeves is singers thinking they can act and actors thinking they can sing. Sometimes it happens but most of the times it doesn't. I didn't ever feel sorry for Christina's character or emotionally connect with her...but the point was she can sing and that she did. Her vocals on "Bound to you" sold me on the film. She dances better then she acts by like .02% btw.
Cher was amazing but it's Cher. Ever since Mermaids I was a stan for Winona Ryder and Cher. Honestly though, if she wasn't in this film it would not have worked. Like the poster says...It takes a Legend to make a Star. I couldn't see anyone else playing these two parts and pulling it off. Unless you put Angelina Jolie as Cher and Me as Christina, and forget the's about her seducing brad and me seducing shia. *laughs evily* Just kidding guys.
I'm not going to even get into the storyline because it was boring...only see the film if you want to hear some songs and see some dancing and lose yourself in it. Harmless film but I could see myself owning it one day.
6/10 whoohoo!
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